Takeback Tuesday: a nation of bush mechanics

There’s an entire series of videos on YouTube (thanks, BoingBoing) about the Bush Mechanics of the Australian outback, Aboriginal gents who work miracles on heaps of junk and rust and turn them into… well, I’m not sure I’d agree that they’re cars, but they are mobile. More or less.

America is now a nation of political and social bush mechanics.  You and I are tasked with taking a maliciously junked machine and McGyvering it back to health, or at least something with turning parts. This video shows us how: using what we have, in concert with our fellow mechanics, with good cheer as we set about the impossible.
So today is local efforts day. I’ll make a donation to my local library, a place to go when you’re looking for an auto repair manual or a class in becoming a citizen.
But I want to hear what you’re doing in your neighborhood or town to get this heap moving again. Tell your fellow Friends of Laurie, and remind us all that we’re in this effort together!

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  1. Deborah Gideon on March 8, 2017 at 11:52 am


  2. Agnes on March 8, 2017 at 12:42 pm

    I have up and joined our local Democratic Women’s association, and now know who my state senator and representative are and wrote them about the state’s budget mess, and after last night’s meeting, for the first time have an informed opinion on a judicial election. It’s something, I guess.

  3. Barb Ristine on March 8, 2017 at 2:41 pm

    Today I will write letters/postcards/emails to my elected representatives in DC about the new health care proposals. Then I will attend our city’s gathering for International Women’s Day (put together by the group that organized our local Women’s March). I will finish by attending a poetry reading by Ann Kenniston, a UNR professor and well-regarded poet. I think that’s keeping it pretty local.

  4. Linda Hay on March 8, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    I am thinking about creating a youth program for my church called something like “Dumbledore’s Army Returns: how to recognize evil and stand up to it.” We previously did “Camp Hogwarts” for seven years, but those kids are older now and the ones I’m still in touch with all participated in the Women’s March.
    The curriculum would include: staying up to date, fact checking and fake news, effective protest signs, singing for justice, reaching out to enlarge our circle, communicating with elected representatives, what to do until you’re old enough to vote, and as our district has women senators and representatives in state government, get them to talk about considering a career in politics. Also bring in representatives of local activist organizations on social justice, environmental, “rights” etc. and work on service projects.

    Until then I try to do one or more vigils, protests, marches or whatever a week, as well as signing petitions, writing letters, making contributions, and inviting friends to join me.

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