Guess the gent?

You need another hint as to the natty gent’s identity?  Here’s a photo of me (looking quizzical, which is quite appropriate) with his bronzed version (no, that’s not a euphemism for drunk.) It was taken in March:

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Pirate King sails

This is what I’m doing today. Taking this: down the hill and into town and putting it into a box, where some nice person will pull it out later today and other nice people will stow it in various trucks and a plane, and some time tomorrow my editor in New York will hold it…

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Tall ships, taller tales

For sheer happiness, there’s nothing like being out on the water. One of my brightest memories is of a catamaran trip taken years ago in Maui where, when we turned for home, the crew put on a song popular at the time: Alanis Morrisette singing “What if God Was One of Us?” It’s a song…

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I have a Pirate King!

Well, friends, here it is: draft one of next year’s Russell & Holmes novel, Pirate King: I came home from the God of the Hive tour (which had also been a trip to Portugal/Morocco/France/England) in mid-May with 70 pages of Pirate King written, about half what I had hoped for by that time.  And inevitably,…

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Pirates are “go”!

So, have you enjoyed our little break from All Things Laurie?  Or did going cold turkey disturb your world too much? I hadn’t actually intended quite such a long break without Muttering at you, but it took me nearly a month after getting home from Portugal/Morocco/France/England/book tour to get my life in some kind of…

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