BoucherCon 2009, at the starting gate

So: Indy.

Drive; wait; fly; wait; fly; drive; wait; check in.  Exhaustion, although my West Coast clock insisted it was only four in the afternoon. 

The hell with West Coast clocks, I don’t do lagging time zones: it’s seven p.m. and I’ve been on the road for twelve hours, I’m not going to go hang around the bar and see what BoucherCon residents I can scare up.  I’m going to help myself to tea and two pots of yogurt from the refrigerator in my floor’s self-help kitchen (which in Sayers talk would be called the Buttery) and check my email and read myself to sleep.

Which I did.  And today all looks much better, if not perhaps literally looking better since it’s gray and looks not far from snow outside.  However, it’s a change from floods (anyone out there see page 3 of USA today?  That’s my ‘hood.) I had breakfast and talked to my daughter in Lisbon through the magic of Skype and washed my hair and am now pulling up my socks to go talk about Sherlock Holmes: today is two panels, two dinners, an hour with the good folk at Mystery Scene magazine, and heaven knows what else.

See you at the far side of a long day!

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  1. KarenB on October 15, 2009 at 4:54 am

    Have a wonderful time! I hope you are feeling much better and the panels all go well. Hugs to you and the FoLs!

  2. La Donna on October 15, 2009 at 7:37 am

    Send someone out to find a Meijer store for Stilton — they have it on sale this week, 8 oz. for $6.79. And you can have my serving.

    Enjoy the conference, I’m 2 hours north (grayer and colder), listening to BBC Radio 1 and wishing I was either in Indy or England. Instead I’m being a good girl and whipping into shape Monday’s lecture on cataloging realia. My son says the PowerPoint looks more boring than his English teacher’s PowerPoints and he didn’t think that that was possible. The child may not live to see his 16th birthday next week!!

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