Sparks of pleasure
Yesterday I mailed out three copies of the small “A Venomous Death” to winners from the newsletter list, Goodreads, and Twitter. Three happy people—Elena, Janice, and someone whose name declares they will not make toast—will get a message from Russell in their mailbox this week. One of the side benefits of being a writer is getting to drop a little spark of pleasure into the lives of people I haven’t even met.
Which makes for a seamless segue into the fact that the newsletter goes out Saturday, with another excerpt from The God of the Hive and another ARC given to a reader. A comment on Facebook said:
I’ve just finished the ARC of Laurie R. King’s THE GOD OF THE HIVE, which is both a terrific suspense story and a powerful mythic tale.
Two mentions of LRK-in-person: if you’d like to come hear me talk about Sherlock Holmes with Lee Child, Michael Connelly, Jan Burke, and the ever-fabulous Les Klinger, we’ll be gathered together on the afternoon of March 12 at Left Coast Crime in LA (where I see the weather is given a severe weather alert at 56 and sunny. Horrid weather conditions, I agree.) If you can’t make it for all three days of this great conference, they are selling day passes, here.
And in the Great Pacific Northwest, in a feeble attempt to make up for not appearing there during the May tour, I’ll be reading from The God of the Hive at the Seattle Public Library, 5009 Roosevelt Way NE, at 6:30 on March 8. I’ll also be stopping by the Seattle Mystery Bookstore during the afternoon—if you give them a ring, they’ll tell you when.
I’ve told my mom that she should go and say hi at the Seattle event! I’m very much tempted to hop a flight, but I’m supposed to be devoting every weekend until April to studying for the PE. =/
I hope you’ll visit Colorado sometime Laurie!
I am saddened that I missed you last time you were in the islands, and hope you are able to visit again soon!
Laurie, you should find your way out to the Midwest sometime. You have so many fans here!!
Maybe you could find time for a stop in my lovely Portland, OR? We have many book lovers here…
You are one marvelous writer and have gotten the essence of Sherlock Holmes completely true to his nature, temperament, and actions. Putting him in the unlikely, but very human situation of falling in love with a woman one third his age and his equal in every way that would be important to him, he must rethink much of his normal behavior and attitudes, not necessarily towards women, but toward someone he has developed strong feelings for in a passionate way. You have allowed him to remain independent and offer the same autonomy to Russell. This is a delicate balance that you have maintained well. My only reservation is that Holmes has difficulty expressing his affection towards Mary. He comes closest when he brushes her hair and places his hands upon her shoulders. She reacts toward this intimate moment, but nothing is said of his feelings. I have no desire to follow them into their bedroom–we have enough romance novels to satisfy that need, but I would like to feel more of his loving feelings toward her. (I am a retired librarian in my 70’s who knows him well). He is definitely capable of expressing these emotions. “Loosen him up just a bit” and we will still respect him in the morning! Thank you. Judith Dixon