A Case in Correspondence: Part Fourteen

A series of communications (employing means as varied as re-used post cards and the agony columns of the Times) has come to light between Mary Russell and Other Important People, which will be revealed during the Twenty Weeks of Buzz. It follows the 1992 (not a typo!) tale published last year as MyStory (or, The Case of the Ravening Sherlockians.) The current saga posts in its legible version Wednesdays on Russell’s MySpace blog, then as the original documents Fridays here on Mutterings. To review the story, follow the sequence here.

Many of the messages seem to have been delivered by messenger service or in envelopes since lost—unfortunate for the sake of our research, but perhaps understandable when one considers the momentous gravity of matters at stake.

(I should mention that the full significance of the story will not become clear until one has read The God of the Hive, available in April–although members of the Virtual Book Club are debating it nonetheless…)

(Click on the images below to enlarge.)


  1. Lenore on April 4, 2010 at 9:15 pm

    I thought Russell was in London. Why is this postmarked Liverpool?

  2. RussellHolmes on April 5, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    Well, she probabley has to keep on the move, she could be anywhere.

  3. Laurie King on April 10, 2010 at 1:36 am

    They seem to be re-used post cards…

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