Pirate King sailing the waves of love

Since Tuesday’s launch at Book Passage in the Ferry Building in San Francisco, I’ve been welcomed by some great and enthusiastic stores. (Visit the Events page to see if they have any signed books left.)

Today, the University of Washington Bookstore in Seattle put on a fabulous event for Pirate King, inviting the Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society to come and get us in the mood.  And that they did:









Glenda Williams, Derek Sellers, Jon Thumim, Jim Francis, Wendy Woolery, Glenn Nielsen, and Rick Hodgson gave us a rousing rendition of “With Cat-Like Tread” followed by “Pirate King.”  And the enthusiasm of their group proved contagious.  The packed audience was great (there’s nothing like a roomful people who think you’re brilliant to make you, well, a bit more nearly brilliant) and even threw their hearts into the third song, the LRK version of the “Major-General’s Song,” which is here.

I am having such a good time.

And the tour’s not even half over.

If you live near Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, St Louis, Denver, or Santa Cruz, come and join the jokes, the talk, and the fun.  And—be prepared to sing!

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  1. Rebecca on September 13, 2011 at 6:54 pm

    When are you in Chicago? Say the weekend of the 23rd, say the weekend of the 23rd, I’m chanting my wish as I type….

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