A book of books

Now, I know your To Be Read pile is already teetering and/or your e-reader is choking on its contents, but this one is special.  It’s a book of books.  John Connolly and Declan Burke came up with the idea of “The world’s greatest mystery writers on the world’s greatest mystery novels,” and although I am far too humble to agree with the entirety of that statement, there are some truly great writers here.  And some truly fascinating and unexpected books, stretching a span of 160 years.  John and Delcan asked us each to pick a novel, one we not only adore but have learned from, the kind of book we always find ourselves recommending and re-reading and generally pressing on people, and write an essay about why.  The result was Books to Die For.

A number of us will be signing the collection at BoucherCon in October, but don’t wait until then.  It’s a pleasure, and an education, into the life of crime.

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  1. Linda on July 28, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    WOW… I’ll have my copy ready for signing at Bouchercon!

  2. Meredith Taylor on July 30, 2012 at 1:39 am

    Now, a person could collect a book by each of those authors (and have them signed), and collect a book by each of the recommended authors and have as many as possible of those signed…

    And spend untold amounts of time reading and rereading.

    What a wonderful collection and idea. Crikey.//Meredith

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