Sherlock, at last!

Some weeks ago, Team LRK put up an e-book collection of my writings on that fellow with the pipe and the violin.  At last, it’s available in an actual paper version!  There are eight essays that range from my explanation of how old I think Sherlock Holmes is to the very academic introduction I wrote for The Grand Game (“Textual, Higher, Radical, and Midrashic Sherlockian Criticism”, an excerpt of which is here).

If you have a bookstore nearby with a print-on-demand Espresso machine, you can get one of these babies now: Laurie R. King’s Sherlock Holmes.

selfespress_odb0000001281_t256And if you want me to sign a copy for you, order one from Bookshop Santa Cruz, here.



  1. John T. Bychowski on April 6, 2013 at 12:35 pm

    A must have book for LRK fans!!

  2. A Wright on April 7, 2013 at 9:29 am

    I so agree, John. This is a little gem and a must have for any collector of Sherlockiana and/or all things Mary Russell.


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