2 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…


It’s 2 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris.

For excerpts and information click here.



Arènes de Lutèce


From page 68:  [Stuyvesant] set off across the heart of the Latin Quarter in the direction of the Arènes de Lutèce. Lutetia was Rome’s name for the city, and the one-time arena was a restful spot in the Quarterif one ignored the ghostly sounds of lions and dying gladiators.


After two millennia of intense change, Rome still protrudes from the foundations of Paris.  On the Right Bank the remains are primarily found in the shapes of the roads, but in the Latin Quarter, Roman baths (fed by a ten-mile long aqueduct) and the Arena can still be seen.



To order The Bones of Paris please click on the following links:

Signed by Laurie

From an Indie

From Barnes & Noble/Nook US

From Amazon/Kindle US

From Audible


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