Mystery & Thriller Throwdown!
Fabulous event coming on Saturday, an afternoon of crime, at Kepler’s in Menlo Park, CA: Mysteries & Thrillers, at each others’ throats. Ten great writers (or anyway, nine and me) getting down and dirty about crime–the list of writers is here, and this is the program:
1:00 The “Rules” of the Publishing Game: The Times They Are A-Changin’. Barry Eisler in conversation with Keith Raffel.
2:30 Face-off: Thriller vs Mysteries–What’s the Difference? Which Is Better? Mystery writers Catriona MacPherson and Cara Black face off against thriller writers Alan Jacobson and Sheldon Siegel in crime fiction’s version of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, refereed by Laurie R. King
4:00 Down and Dirty Reviews. Writing your first mystery or thriller? Bring the first page, we’ll throw them in a hat and pluck out as many as we can,for expert commentary from Judy Greber (aka Gillian Roberts), John Billheimer, and Terry Shames.
5:00 Socializing. All the authors will be around talking about writing and their books. Sound fun? It’s free, you just need to let them know you’re coming–see the sidebar instructions, here.