The Rickshaw

From Dreaming Spies:

Rickshaw neophytes are readily identified by their pale faces and white knuckles. I was not new to the sensations of a flying jostle several feet above unforgiving ground.


The rickshaw has by no means died away, although now the puller is mounted atop bicycle pedals rather than running on the ground. Here’s one of the modern-ish ones in India, although it was taken rather a while ago:


Of course, the truly modern rickshaw is the auto-rickshaw, a motorized suicide capsule that chokes the air of a thousand cities in the East. Mary Russell’s experience in Japan might not have prepared her for the race called Rickshaw Run, when teams climb into decorated auto-rickshaws and, well, race.

A contestant in the 2006 Rickshaw Run

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16 days until Dreaming Spies! Other posts about writing and researching the book can be seen here, or you can read a long excerpt here

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  1. The Bold Flying Officer on February 2, 2015 at 3:15 pm

    From the Trivia section of what passes for a memory: I believe that the Auto-Rickshaw is known locally as a “Tuk-Tuk” …


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