The Weaker Sex 

I have had four lovely days of down time after a couple weeks of flitting about the countryside, and now that my laundry is clean and I’m almost caught up with emails, I think I’ll take off again. Today is Orinda and Sacramento, then Thursday I’m joining the migration towards Portland and Left Coast Crime (with a stop in Powell’s books for an event Thursday night). My next trip will be to the UK in May, which gives me six weeks to write The Murder of Mary Russell. Nice short book, right? I mean, once she dies, what is there left to say?
But to keep you entertained while I’m headed for the Bay Area, here’s a nice video of Russell in disguise, demonstrating her skills and her coolth. (with thanks to Boing Boing)

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  1. Vicki Saunders on March 10, 2015 at 1:13 pm

    I will be going to the UK myself later this summer and was thinking how nice it might be to go and see the Bodlian Library. After reading Dreaming Spies, it would seem that getting in is like climbing Everest. Do you know if they have any provisions for people who just want to look?

  2. Pamela Gibson on March 10, 2015 at 4:06 pm

    A wonderful way to spend time in the Bodleian is to subscribe to their YouTube channel. There are many, many, many videos showcasing their holdings, history, architecture, and it doesn’t cost anything.

  3. Chuck Haberlein on March 10, 2015 at 6:06 pm

    Fine film clip. She didn’t even have to demonstrate her knife throwing talents!

  4. K on March 10, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    Readers in the S.F. Bay Area might be interested in an exhibit of Japanese Art currently at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. The local public television station, KQED, has two free admission dates for members.

  5. Sabrina Flynn on March 11, 2015 at 11:46 am

    What a cool video! I love how she is smiling so pleasantly the whole time.

  6. Margaret Wood on March 11, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    Luckily, I’ve never needed those skills. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that you COULD do that if you had to.

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