Cherry is to Japan as hawthorn is to…

In England recently, it was hawthorn season.Hawthorn

In Dreaming Spies, Russell reflects on the resemblance to cherry blossoms:Hawthorn flowers

The …thick white hawthorn blossom overhead made me imagine for an instant that I was kneeling for a hanami, setting out a picnic beneath flowering trees.Sussex hawthorn


  1. trripley on June 11, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    Hello from Oregon! Just thought people would like to know that on BBC 4E the “Segregation of the Bee” is playing now. Four episodes I believe. Just more Mary Russell fun!
    Have a good day!


  2. David Wright on June 14, 2015 at 2:41 am

    Greetings from Lancaster, UK !

    Also listened to the final episode of four last night, of the Mary R & Sherlock H series on BBC Radio.

    Message from your Lancaster appreciation society – please can we have more involvement of Doctor Watson and Mrs.Hudson in future episodes of Miss Russell’s adventures, of which we hope there are an infinite number still to be told ?

    D. Gnasher Wright.

    • Laurie King on June 14, 2015 at 6:34 am

      Dr Watson is yet to have his due, but the next one has a great deal about Mrs H, yes.

  3. Pat McKnight on June 16, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    Thank you, Ms. King, for writing “Dreaming Sies.” I enjoyed it thoroughly, especially since I have spent some years in Taiwan (which has many people who speak Japanese & preferred their Japanese occupiers to the Chinese of Chaing Kai-Chek); and visited Japan & lived many years in Hawaii. You have reawakened my interest in haiku & haibun & I am most grateful. As I recall, Emperor Hirohito did not speak the Japanese of commoners. He spoke only a relatively ancient Court version of the language, which would limit his ability to learn anything from others who did not speak his language — another form of control? Anyway, your portrayals of the Emperor Hirohito & Haruki & Sato-san are admirable. I thoroughly enjoy all your works because you find your characters interesting, which means that your readers do, rather than simply rushing to develop the plot.

    • Laurie King on June 18, 2015 at 12:52 pm

      Hi Pat, thanks for that interesting note, I hadn’t come across that–and wonder if it was true, since he seemed to do a fair amount of socializing before he became Prince Regent. I’m glad you’re enjoying the books…

  4. Pat McKnight on June 16, 2015 at 1:19 pm

    Thank you for your novels & short stories. Each is more fascinating than the last.

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