Left Coast Laurie
|March 1, 2019|
Left Coast Crime is coming, in Vancouver, BC—yahoo! And although any crime conference is mostly about the schmoozing in the bar or over coffee, there are panels. And I do have a couple of those. One on religion, and the other because Island of the Mad is nominated for a Lefty Historical award, which is really lovely:
Religion in Mysteries
Thursday 3:45-4:30 in Plaza A-B
Lefty Historical Award Nominees
Friday 10:15-11:00 in Plaza A-B
But don’t forget that part about the drinks and schmoozing. Because I’ll be here on Thursday night, for your chatting pleasure:
Posted in Blog, conferences
Hello Laurie,
I don’t know what can be done about this, but I wanted you to know…
When I was trying to go from Goodreads to Libraries, so I could check out book #10 of Mary Russell, it took me to a very strange entry in the WorldCat.
The entry is not only strange, but it also does not reflect what is currently available from my library system, Multnomah County, Portland, Oregon. I was able to find, and check out, the book by searching the library’s catalog directly, however.
I suspect that a discrepancy with the title(s) might be part of the problem. In one place it is called The Green Man and in the other, it is called The God of the Hive.
You will find screenshots here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/15VAy6hsbabBmKTDA
I hope this is of some use.
Thank you for your educational, thought-provoking, and amazingly well-written stores. All of them! I am grateful.
Very odd, I agree. I’ve sent it on to my editor and see if she can do anything about it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention–and for persisting in hunting down the book itself!