Giveaways for June

For those of you who like giveaways but aren’t yet signed up for the newsletter, this month we have two. 

One is from my US publishers, for a book-club sized pile of the new Island of the Mad paperbacks AND some nice swag for your book group to enjoy.  The other is from me (therefore, not just US) for one copy of that shiny new paperback and a gorgeous silk scarf that I bought when I was in Venice researching the book.

The Random House contest ends June 21.  The scarf drawing will be July 1.

If you want to enter either contest, links to both are at the end of my June newsletter, which you can find here.


  1. Justine Jones on June 19, 2019 at 3:25 pm

    Loved Island of the Mad! Spent a week there 2015.

    • Laurie King on June 19, 2019 at 3:27 pm

      Hope you spent your week in Venice, not on Poveglia…!

  2. Sandra Kolbo on July 11, 2019 at 11:16 am

    You have captured my readership completely this summer. I have read through almost all your Mary Russell books and recently downloaded Vol. 1-3 of the Kate Martinellli books on my Kindle. I love Mary Russell but I am also obsessed with Kate Martinelli.

    I think the depth of your characters is amazing. I also love the theology and the historical insights of the Mary Russell series. I started with O Jerusalem~having visited Israel, Palestine and Jordan a few years ago. Then I went backwards to the beginning of the series–and now I am almost to the end.

    In self defense, not wanting to part with an author like yourself, I began reading the Kate Martinelli books and have not been able to stop. She is so unlike any of the detectives I have read before. Wow!

    Thank you for sharing your theology, your historical research, and these two amazing women with us–your readers.

    • Laurie King on July 20, 2019 at 7:57 pm

      Hi Sandra, I’m glad to provide a summer’s reading!


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