Riviera Gold’s English Face

The English face of Riviera Gold!

From my good friends at Allison & Busby. Isn’t is lovely? Don’t you want to be there? (Don’t you want to be anywhere that isn’t your house?)


Riviera Gold (here) is available for pre-order, if you’d like to demonstrate your enthusiasm.  Signed from Bookshop Santa Cruz or Poisoned Pen—or from your local Independent bookshop, or Barnes & Noble/Nook, or Amazon/Kindle, or CD or audio.  And Amazon UK (which shows the US cover, but I assume will update.)

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  1. Chris on April 9, 2020 at 11:42 am

    Best cover yet, dare I say..? Though how many times have I said that! Seriously, some wall art featuring all of the A&B art would be amazing.

    • Kiki Maddocks on April 13, 2020 at 2:18 am

      Yes totally agree with you.
      I always have these books on shows. But a wall art would be awesome.

      • Laurie King on April 13, 2020 at 9:26 am

        Since the English ones were often travel posters, that would be very appropriate!


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