Two Months to Castle Shade!
You get two Mutterings today–because not only is it the anniversary of The Meet, but it’s also two months until Castle Shade appears on shelves and e-readers. Yay!
Over the next couple of months I’ll be sharing various aspects of the writing process of the story, from travel to research to creation of the map–
and building Bran Castle for the silly videos that are coming up later this month–
But in the meantime, enjoy the idea of two unhappy strangers stumbling across each other on a deserted patch of countryside and finding a reason for living, 106 years ago. May you find many kindred spirits of your own, in 2021.
You can pre-order a copy of Castle Shade at Bookshop Santa Cruz (signed); Poisoned Pen Books (signed); Indiebound (your local bookshop); Barnes & Noble; or Amazon.