BCon 2014!

The yearly Crime Extravaganza known as Bouchercon is in Long Beach this year, and as always, it’s going to be a whole lot of fun, plus, if you’re interested in mystery or thrillers, true crime or romantic suspense, writing or reading, you’ll learn a ton.bcon14-logo

I’m going to be in three panels during the weekend, from Thursday the 13th of November to Sunday the 16th.

Thursday at 1:00 is Murder in a Locked Room: Solving the “Perfect” Crime, with Bill Gottfried, Janet Dawson, Jeffery Deaver, Marvin Lachman, and Gigi Pandian.

Saturday at 11:30 we’ll talk Sherlock Through the Ages! Les Klinger will do his best to keep his panelists in line: Lindsay Faye, Michael Kurland, Michael Robertson, and yours truly.

Then on Sunday at 10:00, there’s Do You Write What You Know? A Conversation About Research and Thinking Beyond the Everyday. Janet Rudolph moderates Jan Burke, Barry Eisler, and Elaine Viets.

BoucherCon really is a blast. See you in the bar!

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  1. Laraine on September 17, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    Thanks for including the link, Laurie. I may actually have a shot at attending for a day or so this year!!!

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