Tour, and toilets!
I hope you’ve managed to get your hands (and your eyes) on a copy of Dreaming Spies? If not, I’ll be all over in the next couple of weeks, and I’m happy to sign one for you. All my events are listed here. Oh, and I should mention that there are still places left at the Chicago University Club luncheon on the 27th, you need to give them a ring (yes, they’re old school) at (847) 446-8880.
Also, there’s a new book(let), something I co-wrote with the Poisoned Pen’s Barbara Peters:
Not in Kansas any more, TOTO
by Laurie R King & Barbara Peters
A cultural exploration of the Japanese bath-room, (toilet and bath)
with side-excursions into shoes, maps, irrigation pipes,
the effects of earthquakes on architecture,
the problems of finding a bed during cherry-blossom time,
and the uncooperative nature of diesel fuel.
A travelogue with a limited point of view, a heavily illustrated anthropological monograph, and really just a fun project that came about when Barbara and I fell in love with Japanese toilets. We’ll be signing it when I’m in Scottsdale on Saturday, you can order a copy here.
Do you ever come to a bookstore in Napa Valley???…………
I was in San Rafael last night, that’s the closest this year. You can check the web site’s events page for my other Bay Area readings.
As an American currently living in Korea (and have visited Japan), your book was wonderfully accurate, and wonderfully funny. Did you notice the lack of paper towels in public bathrooms? I was prepared and carried a towel with me, but I’m afraid it encouraged people not to wash their hands afterwards… The night my autographed copy came in the mail, I was reading it, and laughed so loud my husband demanded to know what it was. Thank you!