Lost grey matter
|February 23, 2015|
Since the airlines (one of three) seem to have misplaced Laurie’s brain somewhere between Houston and Los Angeles (or perhaps in Phoenix), Mary Russell’s War will return as soon as the lost brain has been located and delivered to her door. In the meantime, here’s a picture of yesterday’s fab event put together by the Mission Viejo library, with decorations, two kinds of tea on the tables (English and Japanese) in the appropriate tea pots, and platters of Girl Scout cookies, with tables laid with white cloths by some young volunteers and books schlepped in and sold by San Diego’s great Mysterious Galaxy bookstore. Thank you, everyone!
Fabulous, and will the person finding Laurie’s brain please see that it is returned to her post-haste?! That brain is precious to us and cannot be allowed to run about long unattended…
Here, here, everyone search about and please return Laurie’s brain if you find it lying about. Thank you.
Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony Please look around. Laurie’s brain is lost and can’t be found. We are very fond of her and her brain.
Good ones, Laura and Alice, I’m quite sure St. Anthony will come through for us!
Well luckily you didn’t lose it before Mission Viejo’s event yesterday! The Mission Viejo Library was honored to host you, Laurie, and were so happy that you included us on your Dreaming Spies tour and had the opportunity to meet you in person and hear your most interesting talk!! Thank you thank you for your wonderful books and your Mutterings!! We are fans!
Russell and Holmes return.
Blissfully under their spell
I read through the night.
Thank you Laurie!
Aghast, I notice
my syllable count is off.
It’s the thought that counts.
Oh, two excellent ones, Helen!