Another weird foodstuff
|October 2, 2015|
Long-time followers of my Mutterings will be aware that I like to try weird fruits and veggies. I just came across another one:
It’s called Melothria scabra, also known as mouse melon, which is a particularly adorable name. It’s a type of cucumber that looks like a grape-sized watermelon, and in fact tastes a bit like a watermelon rind, crunchy and a bit sour.
Do you have any weird fruits & veggies that you particularly like, that I should watch out for?
Posted in Food
Dragon melon
Laurie, they aren’t weird (rare here in central Illinois), but I really like ground cherries. I get them once a year or so in my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box of produce. I tasted my first paw paw from the CSA this year, too, YUM!
I don’t recall trying any unusual fruits, but I went through a phase, while in college, where I would order a drink that I had read about in a book. The worst, for me, was a Stinger – it was so spearminty / alcoholic, I gagged. A friend, who liked spearmint, traded drinks with me.
I love Chirimoya and Guaba(not the same as guava). Both are fruits I ate in Ecuador back in the 1970s when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer. I have only seen Chirimoya here in Texas once. Both fruits are as delicious as ice cream.
Kiwi berries – like a cross between a kiwi and a grape.
From midsummer on, here in the San Fernando Valley, it’s too hot to successfully grow the usual green vegetables. (Tomatoes, squash, green beans, peppers, etc. are fine) But a creeping weed called purslane comes up all over. I put it in my morning green smoothie with bought greens.
In Mexico it’s called “verdolaga” and mixed in stews and egg dishes. The French have developed a more upright variety which I sow sometimes.