The Meet (his version and hers)

I was fifteen when I first met Sherlock Holmes, fifteen years old with my nose in a book as I walked the Sussex Downs, and nearly stepped on him. In my defence I must say it was an engrossing book, and it was very rare to come across another person in that particular part of the world in that war year of 1915. In my seven weeks of peripatetic reading amongst the sheep (which tended to move out of my way) and the gorse bushes (to which I had painfully developed an instinctive awareness) I had never before stepped on a person.

It was a cool, sunny day in early April….

April the 8th, in fact. And the rest was history…as we know from The Beekeeper’s Apprentice.

But don’t forget, Holmes wrote about that meeting, too. And his was from rather different point of view….

So, who are we to believe?  The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, or “Beekeeping for Beginners“?

You decide.


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