Week ten: posts and giveaways

We’re racing now into week ten of the Fifteen Weeks—two thirds of the way through the celebration, and only 22 days until The Language of Bees goes on sale and LRK hits the road!


And it being a Monday, that means Miss Russell is posting over on her Myspace blog, where she and Holmes are arriving in Oxford.


Last week’s hardback was won by Merrily for her deft treatment of the Russell and Holmes crossword puzzle, and this week finds two giveaways—Goodreads, where Right Minded Readers hang out and chat, and Bitten By Books, where I’ll be blogging about things normal and paranormal, later this week.

I’m hoping to finish The Green Man this week, although if I get any more tangled up in the plot, someone’s going to have to send an expedition with chain saws to rescue me…


  1. Laidee Marjorie on April 6, 2009 at 5:21 am

    Congratulations to Merrily for being the winner in the the crossword puzzle contest. I again thank all of you who gave it a try. It was great fun (and a bit of good brain work) for me to create the puzzles and now that my participation in the 15 Weeks is over, I am feeling a bit adrift! At least I can look forward to seeing Laurie at the New York City Borders bookstore event and the Westport, Connecticut Library event. If anyone else is planning on attending either of those, please see my threads under VBC Get Togethers and contact me.


  2. Merrily on April 6, 2009 at 5:26 am

    I was thrilled to win this contest, first because I’m not usually one who wins such things, and second because I’m not generally a crossword puzzler. However, this puzzle was right down my preferred alley so I dove in and had great fun with it! Great work, Marjorie and thanks for all the effort you put into this! Merrily

  3. Chris on April 6, 2009 at 5:39 am

    Congratulations, Merrily!

  4. Carlina on April 6, 2009 at 8:01 am

    Yay for Merrily! *cheers*

    Good luck on being close to finishing GREE (see, I already have an acronym for it)! I’ve a hacksaw ready if needed to cut you free. I find chainsaws rather messy and they can do damage. A trustworthy hacksaw is reliable in all contexts…lab, outdoors, dissection, you name it. Although it does depend on how tangled you’ll get. We can always break out the bone saw.

    All my best and glad to see the writing is going good!

  5. strawberry curls on April 6, 2009 at 8:46 am

    Congrats, Merrily. That puzzle was great fun and the fact you won made it even better. Thanks again to Marjorie for making me, briefly, a crossword enthusiast.

  6. Meredith T on April 6, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    Congrats, Merrily! I enjoyed the puzzle and it’s a nice roll of the cosmic dice that produced you as a winner. //Meredith

  7. Canzonett on April 8, 2009 at 8:30 am

    Hooray for Merrily! It’s great to know that this special copy of LANG will find a new home with someone who will welcome it as warmly and heartily as you – no doubt! – will do. Congratulations!

    (And Laurie, you could have seen me jump with joy when I read the news that you are so close to finishing your first draft of “The Green Man”!)

  8. Merrily on April 8, 2009 at 9:30 am

    Laurie is almost finished with “The Green Man”! Oh joy, oh rapture! Will hope a hacksaw is not necessary to sort out what is doubtless a complex and finely tuned plot. Perhaps a scalpel? Or a pair of calipers?
    Thanks all for the kind words re my winning the crossword contest. I assure you that this special copy of LANG will be cherished and will be the first of several. I tend to acquire these books in all possible formats and it is probably a good thing for my budget that so far all we have is hardback, trade paperback, small paperback, and audio.

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