The mystery scene

Thanks so much for Alice and her driving-elf Merrily for taking over the blog for the last couple of weeks, and giving me both a fun read and a holiday from blog-writing.  But I’m back now, kids.  Well, more or less.  I’m in Corte Madera (that’s just across the Golden Gate from San Francisco, still at the edge of the fog belt thank God) for the annual Book Passage Crime Writers Conference.  It started with a bang yesterday, and dinner “under the stars” (well, the stars were there, even if it was too light to see them) was followed by the great Katherine Neville being interviewed by my buddy Cara Black. 

I will also mention that, if you’re in the Bay Area and have nothing to do tonight (On a Friday?  You poor thing!) I’m the speaker, at 8:00, and it’s open to the public.  I’ll be giving a version of the talk I gave at the Pasadena conference, Twelve Steps to Frivolous Fiction, which some day when I have the luxury of time, I may actually develop and publish.  But in the meantime, giving talks helps me step back and consider what I think.  So that’s what you’ll hear tonight.

The UK tour is beginning to come together (go, Luton!) but again I’ll mention that if you have a local library or bookstore where you’d love to see me, post their contact in the comments section and we’ll see what we can do.

Now, off to join a truly fantastic group of mystery writers (present and future) for coffee on the patio.

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  1. Merrily on July 17, 2009 at 6:51 am

    Laurie, if it weren’t for the demands of work and the considerations of distance…curses…I would happily go to your talk tonight! If the Grateful Dead could have fans who followed them from place to place around the country, why not Laurie? Well, we do our best within our existing constraints! Have fun at the Conference and let me know if you ever need a Driving Elf…

  2. Chris on July 17, 2009 at 7:44 am

    I hope you return to Edinburgh – and with Val McDermid’s new book out on the same days as LANG, maybe a joint event for you two ladies…? I remember the last time you did one – wonderful!



  3. Laidee Marjorie on July 17, 2009 at 7:48 am

    I am glad that you had a nice rest from blogging, but I am even happier that you are back. But do whatever you need to do to stay sane and work on GMAN.

    I just wanted to publicly thank you (and Zoe &/or Vicki) because I received my copy of Holmes’ Beekeeping booklet last night. And congratulations on being at almost the $12,000 mark with your fundraising at


  4. Strawberry Curls on July 17, 2009 at 7:53 am

    I’m closer than Merrily, but I too have commitments that keep me from being your designated stalker at this conference. If only it were possible, I would love to have the duty.

    Although your legions of readers greatly appreciate each of your blogs, I’m pleased our adventures gave you a small respite from the responsibility. I can vouch for the fact writing one takes time — and in my case a concerted effort — that takes you away from doing other things during an already busy day.

  5. Hilary on July 18, 2009 at 7:13 am

    Oh, come to Oxford please! Blackwells would be especially nice.

  6. Mary McCartney on July 20, 2009 at 7:59 am

    Is there any chance of you coming to Northern Ireland?

    • Laurie King on July 20, 2009 at 8:07 am

      I won’t be there this year, but perhaps next summer for The Green Man.

  7. Meredith T on July 20, 2009 at 5:52 pm

    Hi, everybody. I had the good fortune to attend the Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference, for something scarey like the fourth time. And I did introduce myself to Laurie, formal-like, as her designated stalker for the evening. I’ll post some notes and pix over on the VBC. Folks, this is a fantastic conference, even if it demonstrates to me that my writing is the equivalent of a malcoordinated one year old, sort of staggering about. The conference also bucks you up and cheers you on, so I’m not quittin’ yet.
    The BP faculty and participants are so much fun to hang around with, egad. More in a bit and best to all/Meredith

  8. annie on July 22, 2009 at 12:07 am

    I’ve dropped off the internet for a few days, and when I came back……did I see Luton?????!!!!
    I’ll be there – unless, with my fantastic sense of timing you come here just as I go on my first visit to the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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