Tomorrow we sail!

Okay, we’re all throughly sick of the Modern Major General by now, aren’t we? Which makes this the ideal day to post this poor gent’s version, I am The Very Model of a Psychopharmacologist.

If a copy of Pirate King would help your mental state better than a bottle of pills, the Poisoned Pen can fill your prescription, here.

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  1. Jessara on September 5, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Just made the dreadful mistake of playing all the versions of MMG posted, sequentially. I was trying to catch up on the blog after a few days away.

  2. Ray on September 5, 2011 at 10:33 pm

    I’ve just discovered this blog today and you’ve just set sail. Well have a good trip and come back soon!

    You’ve made me laugh so much I will bookmark this page and spread it around to my friends on facebook.

  3. Chris on September 6, 2011 at 1:34 am

    Happy Publication Day !!!!!!!!

    Pleased to report my US edition is ‘dispatching soon’ from within the UK, and the UK one not far behind!

    I hope you have great fun with all of your events!


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