Fifteen Weeks of Bees
Cue the theme of “24”!
One more day until The Language of Bees hits the shelves—wheee! And, this is Week 13 of Fifteen Weeks of Bees, which means things are heating up in the online schedule as well. Russellscapes contest will close on Friday, May 1, so take a look at your competition and look at how to make an…
Read MoreIt’s Honey Day!
Sherlock Holmes was a beekeeper. According to Arthur Conan Doyle, he retired to Sussex in the early years of the Twentieth Century and divided his time “between philosophy and agriculture.” Later, details were provided when his hitherto unknown work on beekeeping played a role in breaking a spy ring on the very eve of the…
Read MoreYouTube Contest Winners
The video entries for this week’s contest were all excellent, so I decided to give them all a prize. TSDKerry won a hardcover of The Language of Bees for her video of Russell in San Francisco, and Canzonett won an ARC of The Language of Bees for her imagining of Russell’s rudely interrupted studies. Last…
Read MoreYouTube Contest Deadline Extended
Due to popular demand, we’ve extended the deadline for this week’s YouTube contest until this Friday, April 24 to allow you to submit your best dramatization of Russell and Holmes’ world! Guidelines and the submission process can be found on the Contests page. Good luck!
Read MoreEpisode 12 in the Perils of Russell & Holmes
Week Twelve of Fifteen Weeks of Bees, and over at Myspace, Russell and Holmes are being pursued by a pack of importunate American Sherlockians, who chased the duo from their Sussex home to Oxford. 12. You need to remember, this was 1992, and the number of people who knew that Sherlock Holmes had a wife…
Read MoreWeek twelve: research
The excellent Tony Broadbent, whose books I adore (surely Jethro the cat burglar and Mary Russell met, sometime?) asks, what is the proper collective noun for a set of Russells? A hive? A buzz? A sting? He nominates honey-pot—and please note: pot, not bucket. The lady in question has posted a Myspace blog today, for…
Read MoreThe perils of Russell
The Amazing Adventures of (92 year old) Mary Russell continues, in her Myspace blog. Things are beginning to get exciting—the story thus far: In 1992, the rural Sussex home that Ms Russell shared with the aged Sherlock Holmes was invaded by “a ravening pack of Sherlockians.” The Intrepid Duo escape them by ruse and make…
Read MoreWeek Eleven–and we’re loving libraries!
Hey, kids, it’s National Library Week! Was that a yawn I heard in the back row? Shame on you—especially now that the world is listening to a giant sucking sound as one piece of the economy after another goes down the pipes. Not the library. The library is safe refuge, whether it’s escaping with a…
Read MoreVampires and…Mary Russell?
Some days I am normal. Others I am a tad paranormal. Today is one of the latter. I’m taking questions and comments over at the ever-thrilling Bitten By Books today, and it will probably spill over onto tomorrow morning, in case your thinking process is delayed. Please join us, read the BbB/LRK interview, and throw…
Read MoreName a character & Russell’s adventures
It’s been a week since we announced this, and we’re a quarter of the way up our goal for the Heifer International fundraiser. So I’ll say again: If you want to name a character (you, your mother, your cat) in the next Russell & Holmes, The Green Man, here’s your chance: just donate two or…
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