Moulay Idriss

Until Garment of Shadows publishes — in just six days — I’ll be posting images from the book, with tidbits of prose to go along.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve read the book. The town of Moulay Idriss was haram—sacred, or forbidden, a holy place suited for mystics. Order yours from Amazon,…

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One week left until Garment of Shadows publishes! Til then I’ll be posting images from the book, with morsels of prose to go along.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve got your hands on the book. …deep in the Rif mountains, lies a town called Chaouen. It is a sacred town built…

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The waterclock

Garment of Shadows hits the shelves in eight more days.  To celebrate, I’ll be posting an image from the book every day, with excerpts from the book to go along.  You may even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve read the book to feed your imagination. Tradition claimed it was some elaborate Arabic waterclock,…

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Tea, glorious tea

Countdown to Garment of Shadows: nine days from today!  I’ll be posting a daily image from the book, with tasty tidbits of prose from the book to go along.  No spoilers, I promise.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve read the book. …pausing to take on a supply of sweetened almonds…

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Garment of Shadows publishes in ten days. Until then, I’ll be posting images from the book, with tidbits of prose to go along.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after reading the book. It was a tannery, built along the river. Order yours from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Recorded Books, or a signed…

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Spice Merchants

Until Garment of Shadows publishes in eleven days, I’ll be posting images from the book, with tidbits of prose to go along.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve got your hands on the book. One street held shops displaying tall cones of varicoloured powder, from the deep red of paprika to brilliant yellow…

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Walled Gardens

Countdown to Garment of Shadows: twelve days to go!  Til then I’ll be posting a daily image from the book, with snippets of prose from the book to go along.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve read the book. Fez was a hortus conclusus writ large, a garden walled around by…

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Shopping in Fez

Until Garment of Shadows publishes in thirteen days, I’ll be posting images from the book, with tidbits of prose to go along.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve got your hands on the book.   “They all haggled: over the cost of lemons, the measure of olives, the quality of tin cups. Colourful…

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Fourteen days to Garment of Shadows

Countdown to Garment of Shadows: two weeks from today!  I’ll be posting a daily image from the book, with tasty tidbits of prose from the book to go along.  No spoilers, I promise.  You might even want to re-visit these posts after you’ve read the book. “Dar Mnehbi was an ornate jewel-box better suited for…

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A party!

This Sunday is the annual garden party at the Sussex home of Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes.  But before you get out the car or book tickets, let me tell you that it’s all online, and all in the communal imagination.  That’s right: a Twitter party. Russell and Holmes have done this twice before, only…

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