Rain! Rain!

It’s actually raining here on the Central Coast: real, long-lasting downpours.  Which will probably end instantly, now that I’ve said it aloud, but it’s so lovely to have real wet soggy ground outside my window. And so, for today’s Throwback Thursday picture, an image of yours truly in the Australian so-called desert, following a rare…

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The past, in the present

The book I’m working on has, among its several elements, an episode in Papua New Guinea.  So, today’s throwback Thursday… In 1977, a highland air strip (that’s the plane’s strut above my head) and no, I’m not standing far in front of these ladies, they’re just really, really short.  And fascinated by this figure from…

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The young writer’s Thursday

Today’s TBT is the picture of a young writer…’s work: English descriptive paragraph Laurie Richardson Nov. 21, 1967 San Francisco, as I last saw it, was enough to stir the heart of any native Californian. The scene was movingly beautiful. I can remember it as if I saw it just yesterday. It was from the…

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Twenty five years of earth moving

This Throwback Thursday concerns twenty-five years ago tomorrow, when the Loma Prieta earthquake killed 63 people and rewrote the face of northern California. At 5:04 that afternoon, I was sitting with my writing pad in my lap with soccer practice going on in front of me.  The roar of an approaching train grew as windows shattered and walls…

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Laurie, on the road

Happy TBT! Now coming to you from 1977, it’s Laurie, Noel, and A Large Friend, on Easter Island.Hmm, what would you think about a story set on Easter Island…?  

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Laurie, before the volcano

This week’s Throwback Thursday takes us to a place that no longer exists.  Spirit Lake was spectacularly beautiful, a church summer camp smack on the top of Mount St. Helens.   Remember Mount St. Helens?  Blew up in 1980, taking a lot of people and this lake with it? It was so beautiful…and the lake was…

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TBT: Aww, isn’t Laurie cute?

“Cute” may not be a word that comes immediately to mind when you think of Laurie R. King.  But Laurie Richardson? On a Throwback Thursday? Oh, why not?  This was taken in 1966, when I was fourteen, about the age of Mary Russell in Monday’s ongoing Mary Russell’s War.  I was living in Saratoga, CA, and remembering the…

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TBT: Devil in the Details

Sherman, let’s hop into our Wayback Machine for another Throwback Thursday, this one from 1972.  The quilt, which I first pieced, then quilted (hence the frame) illustrates that the devil is in the details, whether for quilting, cooking, or plotting a story. Any of you out there have time to quilt?

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TBT: Intro to LRK

This Throwback Thursday brought to you by Bantam Books.  Bantam (now a division of Penguin Random House, aka the Randy Penguin) showed me the love from the very beginning, with the mass market paperback for A Grave Talent forming one third of a summer special in 1995, along with Mary Willis Walker and John Straley. They did T-shirts,…

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TBT: Tacoma version

Because I’ll be in Tacoma this weekend, I thought my Throwback Thursday ought to show me when I lived there, Back In The Day, when I was still Laurie Richardson.  And this is one photo where you should be glad for both washout and fading, because the color of that dress was truly blinding: This was…

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