To everything, a season

There are as many styles of writing as there are writers—and I don’t mean the words on the page; I mean how they get there. I have writer friends who work set hours, every day without fail, year around, as if they were clocking in at a warehouse or office. I know others who take…

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We have a name

After considerable to-ing and fro-ing, most of which was well-mannered, Random House and its author have a name for LRKing’s next book, formerly known as The Green Man, to be published in June 2010: The God of the Hive

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(Re)Writing God of the Hive (2)

The second excerpt for The God of the Hive is here, with more to follow on the 27th of February and March. For those interested in one writer’s creative process, each will be followed by a post showing the first draft of that section, with brief remarks about the rewrite process. I will take care…

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