
…the photos were left out of the previous post on Volubilis.  Should be there now.  Techno-whiz, that’s me. Laurie

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Transportation in Fez

Leave a comment on today’s Mutterings post, and you have a chance at winning a copy of the Garment of Shadows ARC. When a town’s streets are about as far apart as a tall man’s spread fingertips, there’s not much scope for wheeled traffic.  Bits of Fez are open enough for cars, but for most…

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The rooftops of Fez

Leave a comment on today’s Mutterings post, and you have a chance at winning a copy of the Garment of Shadows ARC. Russell’s first view of her larger surroundings comes when she climbs to the rooftop terrace, to see: All around lay a tight jumble of buildings, their rooftops—squared, domed, and crenellated; brick and stone…

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Things I will miss…

…when I move from the present house, not when I leave this life.  Although I suppose that applies, too. The house I’ve lived in for 15 years is very rural, with live oak and redwood in all directions.  Since no dogs have lived here for all that time, and since the fines for allowing dogs…

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Garment of Shadows

March 4, 2012. I open a FedEx envelope from my publishers and find this: It is accompanied by a letter, giving a deadline: So I get to work, reading the manuscript aloud, using a red pen to correct spelling errors, change punctuation oddities, and make small corrections to smooth and clarify the story.  I find…

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The two-way pull

By the time I sent off the copyedit of Garment of Shadows the first week of January, my brain was empty of words.  In the last year, I’ve written short stories and introductions, guest blogs, essays, & silly stuff to do with the Pirate King publication, my half of The Arvon Book of Crime Writing,…

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Life in Baker Street

I’m in New York, for the annual festivities of the Baker Street Irregulars, that wild-and-crazy bunch of Sherlockians (it began as a drinking society, after all) that inexplicably welcomed me to its (mostly) manly bosom a couple of years ago. Tonight begins with a distinguished speaker’s lecture, to get things off in the properly academic…

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Sherlock mania

The anthology A Study in Sherlock is getting a lot of, er, buzz, with puns flying as newspapermen work their literary magic on reviews.  There are several upcoming group events, including tonight in the San Francisco library, then the 19th in Scottsdale, the 20th in Los Angeles, and December 3rd in Redondo Beach.  Various of…

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On the Trail of Russell and Holmes (1)

On the Trail of Russell and Holmes, or: The Best Trip Ever Meredith is a friend, and a long-time Friend of Russell.  When she went to England this year in the footsteps of Mary Russell, I told her that if she’d like to write up her trip, I’d be happy to post it here in Mutterings.…

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