Twenty Weeks of Russell: Week 5

What’s this I see? Mary Russell has a new post over on her MySpace page? Episodes of “A Case in Correspondence” will appear there Wednesdays throughout our Twenty Weeks of Buzz, and this week you can find them here at Mutterings on Thursday. What on earth are the world’s greatest detective and her husband, Sherlock…

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Fifteen Weeks, at an end

As of today, the Fifteen Weeks of Bees is officially over. We opened its doors on the first of February, and thanks to the concerted efforts of a large number of highly competent and hard-working women (some of whom were not even related to me, although by now they may feel they are) we kept…

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And the winner is…

The winner of this week’s Mary Russell word puzzle drawing is Emily Rivard. She won a complete set of the first four Mary Russell novels in paperback from Picador Books. Congratulations Emily!

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