September in the Old Country

There was a question on one of the comment posts (I may not be writing here, but I’e2’80’99m reading) about Edinburgh, so I thought I’e2’80’99d put up my tentative schedule for September:

3, 4–London
5-6–to Sussex for research (the next Russell book)
20-23’e2’80’94Matera Women’e2’80’99s Writing Festival
27’e2’80’94Chicago (Centuries and Sleuths)
28-Oct 1’e2’80’94Madison, WI for BoucherCon

And if you have any stops you would request/recommend, particularly between the various cities in England’e2’80’94a library located between Edinburgh and Newcastle, for example, that would like a daytime stop-in–please send me contact information and we’e2’80’99ll see what we can do.

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  1. Anonymous on July 10, 2006 at 3:47 pm

    Between Edinburgh & Newcastle – that would be Berwick upon Tweed then….nice place i think it has a bookshop.

    too far for me i’m down in Bristol


  2. Chris on July 11, 2006 at 8:25 am

    I am so delighted that you will be in Edinburgh – and so annoyed with myself that I fly to Spain on 9th September! That’s twice this year I will have missed you by a day or two. (Grrrgh at self!)

    I will have left a prepaid order with the Edinburgh bookstore for some copies of TAOD, though, and I will be there in soul if not in body! I hope the tour is successful, and whilst I know you have been to my home city before (you signed Folly and a handful of others for me in 2001 – thank you again for that!), I do hope you have time to enjoy the city. I can recommend a wonderful local Italian restuarant for you, if that appeals – I’ll tell Jennifer M about it at the Harrogate Crime Festival next week.

    I can’t believe I booked my flight for the 9th…

    With all good wishes

  3. Elaine McC. on July 18, 2006 at 1:03 am

    Dear Laurie,

    I posted the comment/question about Edinburgh & the Sherlock Holmes manuscript at the National Library. Actually, I live in California, but have family in Edinburgh.

    There really isn’t any place I can recommend between Newcastle and Edinburgh. And your schedule looks too tight for much exploring. However, I did want to direct you to a fascinating, tiny bookish place in Southwest Scotland called Wigtown. I was there last May with family and quite impressed. Look at the website when you get a chance — or perhaps have your agent/publicist take a peek. Wigtown has been deemed the Scottish National Booktown!! Maybe you can get there on your next venture across the pond.

    cheers, elaine mcc.

  4. Anne Stobbs on July 28, 2006 at 2:53 pm

    although I live in the north west Iwas born in the north east and I would suggest Alnwick as a good venue It has a bautiful castle plenty of history and a library which Iam sure would host a meeting I would definitely travel across the country to be there.Next time think of the North west when you come and not Manchester.both my husband and I love your books for me Folly is the best thankyou Anne S.

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