BoucherCon meet-up?
|August 13, 2007|
Thinking of BoucherCon? Crime, music, friendship, good food, a fabulous setting (there should be a law requiring every city to have a mountain watching over it) and, well, me.
If you’re thinking of coming to BoucherCon in Anchorage next month (and you should, really you should) and would like to have a meet-up with LRK and other LRK readers, leave a note at the VBC thread and we’ll see if we can agree on a time, for breakfast or drinks or…
Posted in Blog
I’m going to try my best to make it–currently looking for a good deal on airfare.
This year’s travel budget is taken up with travel to Greece. Does BoucherCon announce well ahead of time where it will be held? I couldn’t find anything on the current website about future meetings. I’ll check back after this year’s to see whether it’s announced at the end of each year’s meeting.
The 2008 BoucherCon is in Baltimore (think: Laure Lippman). Its web site is alythough there’s also an official blog at And if you Google BoucherCon 2009 you can see where it’s going from there.
Thanks adminsays. Next year our little family is journeying withing the continental US, so I will lobby for Baltimore as a stop along the way.