Not too late…

This from the blog of friend, beloved writer, and BoucherCon 2007 Great High Panjandrum, Dana Stabenow:

I can’t imagine anyone who enjoys reading who wouldn’t want to come to Bouchercon in Anchorage this year. I’ve blogged about it on the website, including for the bouchercon virgin where I walk you through just one day of the magic in store. If you like to read and you like to discover new authors, go here to register.

And may I add, where else can you ride an elevator with Tom Perry, stand in line for a latte behind Diana Gabaldon, or walk into a bar and buy LRK a beer? Well, that last maybe….

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  1. Kerry on September 6, 2007 at 9:47 am

    If dreams were airplane tickets and time off from work, beggars would be in Anchorage! It sounds grand, and I hope it will be somewhere on the east coast again soon. Any other conventions/book festivals/appearances on the schedule this year?

  2. vicki on September 6, 2007 at 1:34 pm

    I just registered today! Wheeee! I’m planning to take my laptop so I can do some bloggy sort of posts on the VBC from the point of view of a B’Con newbie. It should be fun. I am *so* going to get my copy of Metzger’s Dog signed by Thomas Perry.

    Nikki, tell Diana G. we’ll be looking for her!

  3. nkk1969 on September 6, 2007 at 4:15 pm

    >>stand in line for a latte behind Diana Gabaldon>I’m planning to take my laptop so I can do some bloggy sort of posts on the VBC from the point of view of a B’Con newbie.

  4. nkk1969 on September 6, 2007 at 4:17 pm

    Woops! I don’t know what happened to the rest of my message after I hit “Submit Comment,” but that’s not what I wrote.

    **stand in line for a latte behind Diana Gabaldon**

    No, actually you probably will not be in the latte line with Diana. The Diet Coke, or possibly the white wine line but not lattes. 😉


    **I’m planning to take my laptop so I can do some bloggy sort of posts on the VBC from the point of view of a B’Con newbie.**

    That’s sounds great! I can’t wait to read your posts. As far as Diana goes, all you guy and gals who are going to B’Con do try to be extra nice to her. She launched her new book on August 27th, and by the time of B’Con will have been on the road for a solid month. She says she’s looking forward to B’Con if for no other reason than that she’ll be in the same hotel room for more than one night.

    Seriously folks, give her a hug and tell her I told you to do it. She’ll get a kick out of that. (Don’t worry, I’ll warn her in advance.) If you get to have a drink with her, ask her to tell you about her son. Sam is always into something that makes for a great story during dinner or drinks.

    Ms. King, do you ever go to the Surrey Writers Conference in Surrey, BC? I’ve been saving for years to go to that one, but always end up spending the money on trips to Germany.

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