Let’s have a party

In the past month, since finishing Touchstone, I’ve worked on the house. I’ve had it power-washed and had the shingles stained and the trim paint touched up, ditto the deck. I had a new section of deck installed so there are no steps in a circuit of the house, necessary for someone dependent on a walker, and edged the new deck with a very flash looking stone flower bed. I’ve changed half a dozen window screens that a window washer savaged a few years back, and had eleven faulty double-glazed windows replaced, so it no longer appears perpetually foggy outside. I have spent countless hours planting and weeding the flower beds, seeding a dozen varieties of orange and yellow flowers which may or may not be in bloom in a week, depending on how much heat we get in the next few days. I have refurbished the lawn, fertilizing, seeding, and hand-watering it assiduously in the late-summer heat, and then spraying it with gopher repellent when the bastards moved into the new territory. I have potted and repotted the dozens of plants on the deck, dribbled grey gunk into the cracks in the driveway, moved stones to make a vestigial path between a flower bed and the new deck, and—one project that’s been a little fun—cut back a dead Japanese maple and turned its remains into an orchid tree (fastening epiphytic orchids to the various forks, although most of them will probably die off over the winter.)

I’ve also bought dozens of glasses and made the rounds of the various party supply stores, putting my name down for fifty plates and a propane deck heater. I am borrowing a (second) propane grill, assembling a multitude of silverware, planning a piñata to amuse children from England, Israel, and Brazil (“You want us to break the pretty pumpkin? With this stick??”) and wondering if my three decrepit electric coffeemakers, two electric kettles, and one electric warming tray will be up to the task.

Yes, kids, we’re having a party. My little girl is getting married in a week, and we’re having a barbecue here the day before so people can hang out and talk. I’m to the point of obsessing about the buds on those orange-and-yellow flowers and wondering if there is anything I can do to hurry them on by a few days. And the other extreme, where to get two-by-fours and tarps to hurriedly assemble a cover over the deck if it rains.

Never has a mother-of-the-bride had such a dreadful set of fingernails.

And now, I’m off to the airport to pick up the first batch of English family.

I tell you, after this wedding, the gophers are welcome to the whole place, if they just keep their teeth off it until next Sunday.

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  1. Younger Son on October 21, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    Congratulations! It sounds like a wonderful party that will well reward all your hard work. You have many blessings, and may you have many more.

    I know the problem with the piñata. I’m one of those people who can’t bear to dismember gingerbread men.

  2. bani on October 22, 2007 at 3:19 am

    Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful time and, most importantly, that lots of people notice all your hard work and say “I love what you’ve done with the place”. No, most of all I wish the newly-weds a happy life etc., but as a close second then. 😉

  3. Kerry on October 22, 2007 at 8:36 am

    Congratulations to all, and best wishes to health and happiness all around. The King Estate sounds to be in beautiful trim — any chance of sharing pictures?

  4. Cathy on October 22, 2007 at 8:38 am

    Congratulations! I am sure the guests will have a wonderful time. I married an Englishman a decade ago and had the pre- and post-wedding receptions in my parents California back/side yard (or should I say garden?). It was lovely, with memories that my parents, husband, and I were just talking about last night.

  5. riobonito on October 22, 2007 at 4:47 pm

    Dear Mother of the Bride, hope and pray all goes well. Also that you have some ‘indoor’ help, let alone outdoor..and a nice massage planned for after the wedding. Congratulations~

  6. Real Icon on October 23, 2007 at 6:12 am

    Lots and lots of congratulations to you and all your family, both new and old! Having only just recovered from my sister’s wedding last month, I remember only too well how we felt the days before the guests arrived and months of planning and preparation finally culminated in the weekend of all weekends. (And although I would place myself only at the periphery of all those activities, my blood was at the verge of boiling during the last week before the actual wedding …) We also had some “meet the day before, hang out and talk” – thanks to our mother, who convincingly pointed out that it would be a good idea for people from different parts of the country, different countries and even different continents to get to know each other a bit before actually becoming relatives …
    All the best!

  7. corgimom on October 23, 2007 at 11:17 am

    Congrats and best wishes for all happiness as the events unfold! Having recently attended an outdoor wedding that was nearly drowned by a sudden thunderstorm I just want to reassure you that everyone had a great time in spite of the weather. Bad weather never spoils a good gathering! Can’t say the same for its effect on carpeting, though…

  8. 2maple on October 23, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    Congrats… andonce things get going, don’t sweat the small stuff and make sure you enjoy yourself and the day!

  9. Meredith T on October 24, 2007 at 10:34 pm

    Huzzah! whew, no wonder you were thinking about gardening. Best wishes and congratulations to your lovely daughter and her fortunate groom (and prizes to those who can guess my vintage by that wording). Have a splendid time and ditto re the massage note above. — Meredith T

  10. Carlina on October 25, 2007 at 5:27 pm

    *throws confetti* Well congrats to everyone! I hope everything runs smoothly…good weather, no bridesmaid-zillas, and fun times! By the way, those flowers just look lovely I am certain! Best!

  11. Devorah on November 1, 2007 at 10:57 pm

    Mazel Tov…your baby girl married, and son home safe from the wars. Your heart must be bursting, and your smile glorious..

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