Just giving it away

On November 30th, we’re giving away TOUCHSTONE!


In a positive orgy of seasonal gift-giving, my web lady Vicki has decided that we’re giving away multiple sets of the two new Picador Russells AND many copies of the TOUCHSTONE advanced reading copy. As she puts it, You have five ways to get in our holiday drawings for a whole bunch of Touchstone ARCs and several sets of the new Russell editions of A Letter of Mary and The Moor.

Anyway, some TOUCHSTONEs are going to members of the Virtual Book Club, some are reserved for registered members of our very own Mutterings blog, and others will go to people who are kind enough to post reviews about any one of the LRK books:

You can register for Mutterings and the book club at https://laurierking.com/joinus , before this Friday night, and be eligible for the drawings.

And you can have another chance to win, between November 26 and December 16, if you post a review of any LRK book–WHICH INCLUDES A LINK TO THIS BLOG, Mutterings–on a blog or on goodreads.com, librarything.com, shelfari.com or amazon.com (other book-related sites can be included, but contact us first at info@laurierking.com to make sure). Then email us your name and a link to the review (to info@laurierking.com) and you’ll be included in weekly drawings for Touchstone ARCs!

The full details of the various contests can be seen at https://laurierking.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=232 .

Good luck!

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  1. kuttlewis on November 30, 2007 at 8:48 am

    How very generous. Thank you.


  2. Jessara on November 30, 2007 at 6:43 pm

    Generous and mouthwatering. Yum!
    Sorry, everything is in terms of food to me at the moment. Synesthesia on demand; all I need to do is go on a diet.

  3. Kerry on December 1, 2007 at 8:34 am

    Many thanks! What a lovely way to celebrate the holidays!

  4. Carlina on December 3, 2007 at 9:33 am


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