The LRK Virtual Tour: second stop
|January 4, 2008|
Today I’m visiting one of my long-time favorite blogs, The Rap Sheet, to talk about Touchstone, writing, and the responsibilities of fiction. The first post of the day is up, but there’ll be more–I’ll probably post following my radio talk this morning with Rick Kleffel, and and later on as well. Although if I suddenly go quiet, you’ll know the much-threatened set of storms here on the California coast has taken out some key power line. Acts of nature permitting, keep an eye on Rap Sheet. And, send in your questions. What would you like me to post about?
Posted in Blog
Ug, this storm is atrocious, isn’t it? Finally gave up trying to sleep through it at about 6am and just sat in bed listening; it sounded like the whole building was going to collapse!
Keep safe!
Hi. Laurie. Congratulations on “Touchstone”. I am only on page 200 so far, but I am enjoying it tremendously. My question has to do with your writing in general. Do you often use a thesaurus? A dictionary? And do you use the internet for research and how do you know to trust the information that you find there? Do you always cross-check it at a library or some other resource?
Marjorie in Connecticut
Thanks for the updates Laurie! Glad you got to do Powells. I love that place and have ordered much from them in the past. Keep safe in the storms. At least its rain and not snow..eep!
As for questions, I have always been amazed at your ability to manage the different “voices” of your varying characters in both first and third person. Is there anything you do to maintain the consistency of the characters over the course of several books? For example, after taking a break from Russell to write a Kate story, but then coming back to the Russells do you go back to read something to get in the right frame of Russellian/Holmesian mind before sitting down to write her. Or does it come naturally?
Did Touchstone differ in any respect? Did the characters write themselves? How difficult was it to write the male characters you wrote for Touchstone, compared to your Russell and Martinelli series books?
Curiosity killed the bone lady and as you know, you don’t have to answer all these :). My best to you and your family and I hope the storm passes through.
I’ve answered these last two over at the Rap Sheet, thanks for contributing, Marjorie and Carlina!
Glad to contribute! Thanks for opening the floor and answering our questions. All very interesting!
And I thank you, too, Laurie for answering my question. As an amateur writer, I use my dictionary and thesaurus all of the time, so it’s nice to know that even the professionals need that kind of support in their writing.