The once and future BoucherCon

Ruth Jurdan asked me to write a BoucherCon memory for the BoucherCon blog today.

This year, the annual mystery conference (named after writer and critic Anthony Boucher, that’s bow-cher) is in Baltimore, and the town is just Charmed to Death to welcome us all in.

There’s been talk about organizing a LRK meet-up during the Con, which is October 9-12—Vicki has made a slot over at the Virtual Book club where people can set up meetings, if you want to check that out.

Ballots have just gone out for nominations for the Anthony awards for Best novel, Best first novel, Best paperback original, Best short story, Best critical/non-fiction work, the Special service award, and the new Best mystery web site/blog award. Register soon and you can nominate–although you can’t stick the LRK name up for anything except that last, since I had nothing new in 2007.

But lots of superb writers did, and this is your chance to put them on the final ballot, for voting during the conference itself.

See you in Baltimore!

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  1. LaideeMarjorie on March 12, 2008 at 10:17 am


    1. Who is the pink umbrella man?
    2. Can we get the charm bracelet that Boucheron is using to advertise the 2008 convention? I love it! (I realize you won’t have an answer for that one.)
    3. Referring back to your “The Language of Bees” post…thanks! Thanks for the news, the updates and making us feel part of your process.

    P.S.–I have now joined the underground movement of folks here who go into bookstores all over the country and turn copies of our books face out on the shelves so that the buying public can see the full cover on view and not just the spine. We do what we can to spread the word and increase sales!

  2. tangential1 on March 12, 2008 at 11:43 am

    Here’s a question that will probably sound like a complete non sequitur: Does it feel odd talking about yourself in the third person all the time? Not all the time, obviously, but whenever referencing your works. It just occurred to me when I saw “LRK” that we kind of use it like a franchise name rather than your initials and that’s got to feel a little strange when you use the same reference.

    Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled post comments. 😉

  3. Roxanne on March 12, 2008 at 11:58 am

    “I have yet to be asked a question by a hand-puppet hound.”

    Sounds like a challenge (or a dare?) to me . . .

    (Ditto re: “the pink umbrella man”)

  4. Roxanne on March 12, 2008 at 12:03 pm

    This is ridiculous. I am sitting here at my little librarian’s desk in my dusty cubicle cackling to myself: I have a mental picture of all of us showing up to BoucherCon in October sporting our Sherlock Hound sock puppets. . .

    (Still sitting here and giggling giddily . . .)

  5. ruthie on March 12, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    Can you here the laugter from over here as well? How wonderful! Perhaps Vicki could start a new thread over on the VBC complete with sock templates so that you not only have a dedicated blog, book club, fan base, but now a sock knitting and decorating circle. A sock sewing bee in fact. How apt!

    Please, please come to Bristol. My sock will be ready by then …

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