A Lord among readers

I was saddened to read of the death of an unmet friend, a reader who wrote to me several times from the House of Lords, first in praise, then in an exchange of methods of decanting ancient port and a discussion of snooker versus billiards.

This is one of the interesting aspects of being a writer, when one comes into contact with the most unexpected variety of readers. I had hoped to meet Lord Beaumont when I got to England this June; now, my London visit will be the less for it.

(And had you known before this that the House of Lords kept a blog?)

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  1. Teresa on April 28, 2008 at 11:03 am

    Laurie, I’m sorry you never got to meet him. Somehow the death of a blogger pal hits harder than you might be prepared for. You just have to slip him into one of your Russells somewhere sometime.


  2. wsmvgn on April 28, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Deepest sympathies. Maybe it’s clearer why I flew to Detroit last week?

  3. Strawberry Curls on April 28, 2008 at 12:25 pm

    It is always amazing to me the things I learn from your books and your blog. This entry sent me on a bit of research on Lord Beaumont. He seems to have been one heck of a person, and someone I would have loved to meet. It is such a shame you were unable to met him in person, but at least you had your correspondence over the years. That should be cherished. As to the question of a blog for the House of Lords…who knew? Certainly not I, who has only started reading a few blogs these past couple of years. I guess there are blogs on or by just about anything and anyone. It is certainly a changing world.

    My condolences on the loss of your friend, for friend he was even without the face to face meeting.

    AKA Strawberry Curls

  4. Roxanne on April 28, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    How sad that you won’t have the opportunity to actually meet your “unmet friend.”

    And how nice that he found/took the time to correspond with you in the first place.

    Well met and God keep thee, Lord Beaumont.

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