In(to) the country

Sorry, the Tana French book is In the Woods, not Into. And good as it is, it didn’t keep me from sleep for long last night.

I don’t do jet lag, but there’s no denying that when one spends a night on the plane and then has the better part of a day to get through, one isn’t exactly the life of the party by night-time. I make it a rule to stay up until at least eight or nine, and last night I made it until nearly ten before I lapsed into unconsciousness. Which means that today is normal, and I’ve adjusted to the local time. Any slight relapses into fugue states are due only to accumulated tiredness, not jet lag. I don’t believe in jet lag. Really. I can nddvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Sorry, I fell asleep with my nose on the laptop. But it’s not jet lag, just tiredness. Into the business of getting my feet under me today, making sure my local bank card still works, beginning to fill in the gaps of lodging and transport on my schedule, that sort of thing. Thanks for all the notes, and I’ll be thinking of you as I punt tomorrow. And for those of you interested in style, my own method of punting has been termed “stately.” Meaning I don’t go fast, but at least I don’t plant the boat into the bank or scrape off my passengers on overhanging branches.

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  1. Gail on May 31, 2008 at 9:46 am

    I am so jealous of you being there but when I think of the struggles you have had since your scrapped trip a few years ago and the logistical struggles you must have had to make this one happen – you earned that first class seat! I hope you have a wonderful time and don’t end up in the river – I am trying to imagine punting with jet lag, punting on its own looked hard when I watched others do it in Cambridge years ago. Oh, I forgot you don’t do jet lag. Ok, punting with accumulated tiredness then…
    Blessings on your trip,

  2. riobonito on May 31, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Hmmm…looked into book..dang I don’t have the heart to read books or watch movies/TV where kids are in peril. I’m weird that way. Okay…what happened to those kids in the Woods…I’m a big baby and I know it. Back in the 60’s I watched Journey to the Center of the Earth with my head covered most of the time. Last night I watched the t.v. show Lost with a vintage quilt covering my eyes. I’m a big baby…okay what happen to those kids in that book…never mind.
    Loved hearing about your First Class experience. That warmed my heart.

  3. Carlina on May 31, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    Great to hear from you and glad your flight went well. I think I can take some liberty in saying glad to hear you had a nifty time in first class. Well while you were chatting it up and enjoying great drinks and a wonderful meal…that you totally deserved…I was defending the big D. I made it through! So now is the time where I bow down (hooded and all) and thank you for writing all those lovely Mary Russell books that allowed me to keep my sanity during my data entry process (thanks to books on tape) *bows and cheers.* Had I not had those…well I would have cracked before finishing my doctorate…

    I hope you have a great punt tomorrow and that your bank card works. Wishing you the best of travels in the UK! You’ve earned them and you deserve them, so live ’em up!

  4. vicki on June 1, 2008 at 6:05 am

    I hope the punting and logistical planning goes well!

    And….YAY, CARLINA!!!!!! *Hires mariachi band, throws confetti* Virtual fireworks for you!

  5. Kerry on June 2, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    I remember shrimp-flavored Pringles (or maybe it was crab?) from my last trip to London many moons ago. Definitely weird. And no pork pies, but some of the most delicious pasties, with light flaky crust and all different kinds of fillings. And ploughmen’s lunches — those cheeses!!!!!

    Glad the punting was stately 🙂

    And finally — YAY, CARLINA!!!!!!!!!

  6. Carlina on June 5, 2008 at 12:14 am

    Aww shucks folks :)! Thanks for the kind words and thanks Vicki for the mariachi band and fireworks…took me a few days to recover 🙂 !

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