Free Touchstones!

Recorded Books have been kind enough to send me some extras of their audio of Touchstone, to lay at the feet (and the ears) of my Faithful Readers—people registered on this blog, the LRK newsletter, Facebook, and two onto the Virtual Book Club. You can sign up for them all by following the links from the zippy new sidebars on the VBC

And, you can nominate your favorite library to the Laurie Loves Libraries list, if you haven’t already—surely they can use another copy of the audio? Just send their name and address to with the subject: Libraries.

All six drawings will be on July 25, good luck to all!

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  1. Strawberry Curls on July 22, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    The benefits of being part of the Laurie R. King world just keep on coming. Thank you, Ms. King, and thanks to Recorded Book, a great company that stands by its product. I have all the Mary Russell’s from them, and I received a bad cassette in one book, and they replaced it immediately, without a question, or any hassle. I love good companies, and will continue to support them any way I can.


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