When friends say it better

Sometimes you just need a laugh.

Thanks Meg, and I still owe you a cold one, see you in the bar in October.

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  1. KarenB on August 4, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks for the laugh! Buy Meg one from me, too!

  2. hnartisan on August 4, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Dear L, a real gift to have found this blog today.
    And I’m singin’ along with Joe…
    but need to take time out to let you know that your words and characters have filled my days and imagination for years now. I’m an artist and listen to audiobooks all day as I paint. Your book Folly was profoundly meaningful to me, felt like you were watching over my shoulder when writing it as I had spent the prior decade as a charimaker working exclusively with handtools and have had my share of soul- searching follies…been gobbling up all of your other books since only to find many more layers of common ground …I have thanked you silently for so many years. Bless you for filling the void and writing such convincingly real lesbian characters as well as the brilliantly chiseled Mary Russell.
    I was shoved into starting my own blog and website recently now having found yours I will portion out readings of past entries for future breaks from the easel and look forward to taking in your humor and wit and finely balanced pen. Bravo.
    A few years back, when reading Folly for the first time, I borrowed the title for the painting I was working on at the time. It hangs behind my easel now, a muse of sorts.
    If you’re interested you can see it here
    there’s a link at the bottom left ( a quill pen in a teacup ) that will take you to the painter’s notes…something I write for each painting…to let you know I was listening.

    Now, back to the easel…thank you from the bottom of my brushes for your words…
    Heather Neill

  3. Strawberry Curls on August 4, 2008 at 7:37 pm

    That was a wonderful treat on a Monday afternoon. Even back in the day, I couldn’t understand what the man was singing about, now I know. Of course, now I have the image of Christ in a turban stuck in my head. Wonder how long that will take to go away? Worth it though, that was funny!! Thanks for sharing.


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