The Once and Future Boucher Con

I’m not finished posting about BoucherCon 2008, but I have to say that one of the high points of Friday was the business meeting. Now, before you picture LRK clutching a well-loved copy of Robert’s Rules of Order, it was entirely for selfish reasons that I enjoyed the meeting: vote was taken, and BoucherCon is coming to my town.

Well, not my actual town, which is a four-way stop and three churches (although the picture of 1500 mystery fans in the town square is quite an image, particularly the New Yorkers in search of for a Starbuck’s) but to my nearest city, THE City, San Francisco. This alone would be enough to endear me to those who voted yea for SF, since it means I can get there without being strapped into a tin box for hours and hours, but it also meant that the planners got the guest of honor they had asked some months before: me.

Yep, Guest of Honor for the 2010 Boucher Con is Laurie R. King, life-long resident of Northern California, third generation San Franciscan.

Party time, kids. I’ll let you know when the web site’s up and you can register, but in the meantime, there’s Indianapolis, where it’s going to be all Sherlock Holmes, all the time. The motto of next year’s con? Elementary, my dear Indy!

The Language of Bees will be happy there.

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  1. Rae on October 13, 2008 at 10:11 am

    Hi there,

    We’re so excited to have you as our guest of honor, Laurie, it’s going to be great fun, I think.

    We’ll have a website up within the next week or so, and registration information as soon as possible.


  2. Roxanne on October 13, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    Hello, Rae:

    Your presentation on San Francisco was masterful. Well done! I can’t wait.

    And you’ve chosen a wonderful Guest of Honor for the 2010 Boucher Con.

    BTW: Laurie–next time you want a beverage, shout it out. Any one of us would have been honored to bring you a cup of coffee.


  3. Meredith T on October 17, 2008 at 12:55 am

    Hi also to Rae. I am the odd person who assured you at the Lee Child party that the little SF clips actually moved me to tears. weirdo, but City-loving weirdo. Laurie, you are the master (mistress?) of understatement. This very minute I find out you will be the G of H in San Francisco. How truly marvelous. First Indy and then SF. Life is good. very best to all//Meredith

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