Psychic hangovers

After the excesses of the past couple of weeks, when I wrote and deleted countless furious posts, I was for a time written out. Now I feel slightly hung over. However, regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly.

I just wanted to say that I really like you guys a whole lot. Some blogs would have erupted into a vicious firestorm over the election, and my comments about it, but you all managed to suck it in and remain not only coherent, but well-mannered.

Thank you.

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  1. LaideeMarjorie on November 10, 2008 at 12:16 pm

    “After the excesses of the past couple of weeks, when I wrote and deleted countless furious posts, I was for a time written out. Now I feel slightly hung over. However, regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly.”


    At least you CAN delete furious posts here on the blog! (or stupid posts or silly posts or posts chockablock with typos! LOL. We can’t! Vicki says that an edit feature may be in our future. I would be very grateful for that.) At least a hangover generally promises a return to full health in the near future. (Although my curiousity would love to know what really raised your hackles!)

    “I just wanted to say that I really like you guys a whole lot. Some blogs would have erupted into a vicious firestorm over the election, and my comments about it, but you all managed to suck it in and remain not only coherent, but well-mannered.”

    Thank you very much. And we like you, too. You have been patient and wise and accomodating. I think that our being well-mannered (and our love of books) is what brings us together even if er can’t possibly agree on all issues, political or otherwise. The old saw of “we’ll agree to disagree” takes root here so that we can talk books and ideas even when we don’t see eye to eye on all things political.


  2. Strawberry Curls on November 10, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    One of the reasons I read and post to this blog, and on the VBC and at Letters of Mary is the fact people can agree to disagree and be respectful of other’s feelings and opinions. These communities reflect those who lead them, you, Laurie, and the wonderful web maven Vicki on the VBC, and over at LOM the coalition of members who work to keep it a safe, fun and accepting place led by our Marvelous Mod Mary.

    When people are respected and encouraged, spectacular things can happen, communities are formed. When the leadership of a site is disdainful of the members, is too restrictive, and mock what they don’t like or they feel is not up to “their” standards, then that site will fail. I’ve seen it happen. –Alice

  3. KarenB on November 10, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    Ummmm, right, what Marjorie and Alice said. I believe that it has much to do with you, however, as an author. You write with a very clear tolerance for differences and so attract readers who also can be tolerant of differences. While your posts have made it clear where your sympathies lie, they have never been mean-spirited or negative. That has made it possible for your FOLs to also “suck it in and remain . . .well-mannered.” Thank you.

  4. mspeed44 on November 10, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    Some of us in a formerly “red” state have been celebrating for 6 days, inviting our friends and neighbors with the other sign in their yards to “come on over” where we continue to show our Obama signs in our front yards.
    And before we move on, I want to say that my sisters and I (white, nearly 60 years old) voted (in a former all-white school built before 1860) for Barack Obama, along with our 83 year old mother. We have reason to celebrate!
    Let’s continue with rants and excesses!!

  5. Bachi on November 11, 2008 at 2:51 am

    It goes without saying (though I’ll say it anyway) how much we like you and Vicki and our wonderful VBC gang!

  6. vicki on November 11, 2008 at 4:32 am

    “I believe that it has much to do with you, however, as an author. You write with a very clear tolerance for differences and so attract readers who also can be tolerant of differences.”

    I think that’s really true. LRK stories tend to attract good folks, and that has a lot to do with the mind behind the stories.

    I do hope we’ll be able to incorporate the edit comments plug-in during the renovation process, Marjorie! Shouldn’t be *too* long now. 😀

    Alice, I think you would *really* enjoy a book called Tribes by Seth Godin, a social media guru. Audible was running a freebie on it and itunes has it for .99. It’s all about the rise of communities, online and otherwise, and their potential to impact the world. It’s good stuff.

  7. vicki on November 11, 2008 at 4:37 am

    Mspeed, I love the mental picture I get of you, your sister and your mother, marching into that school and proudly casting your votes for a new chapter in history. Pretty cool!

    *Waves to Bachi* Right back atcha, girl! 😀

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