A doughty 2009 to us all

Here’s wishing us all a sturdy and cheerful 2009.

(From a 1939 British propaganda poster, sent me by the stupendous Tony Broadbent whose character Jethro the cat burglar is sure to encounter Mary Russell one of these days.)

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  1. Strawberry Curls on January 2, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    I ran across that sign early in 2008 and it became the unofficial motto for my company. Actually it was the perfect saying for most of 2008, both personally and professionally. I’m hoping 2009 will not be quite as harried.

    Another sign I love from England is “Mind The Gap” used in the subways to remind people there is a space between the subway car and the platform.

    Both are great advice. If we all “mind the gap” and “keep calm and carry on” we should navigate the changes and the difficulties ahead with a modicum of dignity and something akin to courage.


  2. annburns on January 2, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    My NY’s resolution is to stop lurking and I would like to say thank you for “Mutterings”, Laurie. I will add “Keep Calm and Carry On” to the list. cheers – Ann

  3. vicki on January 2, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    *Waves to Ann* Glad you delurked! 😀

    I looove this sign. It’s cool that you’re using it for your unofficial business motto, Alice! And one of my best friends loves that “mind the gap” sign, too.

  4. Laraine on January 3, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    Thanks, Laurie, for this emblematic greeting: I shall heed and share it! Meanwhile, to you and your jolly elves (Vicki, et al) and readers, may the new year bring peace and unexpected joys, along with renewed reserves of adaptability, creativity and confidence.

  5. Sara on January 3, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    They make those posters in the daily-reminder-about-your-house variety- see here:

    So, let’s do as they say, then. Peaceful 2009 to you all. XOXO Sara

  6. vicki on January 4, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    Oh, I love that rug (although I would need the bargain acrylic version)! They have a whole Keep Calm section, too:


    I want one of those “On Air” lightboxes to warn off the kids while I’m working on the computer. 😀

  7. Strawberry Curls on January 4, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    **giggle** I thought I was the only one to check the price of those rugs. WOW, they are pricey, as are the light boxes but they’re so cool.

    Here is a website with many interesting things in different colors with that motto.


    The prices are a bit more affordable, if $40 for a tee can be thought of as affordable.


    Sorry I haven’t mastered putting URLs on this site. –Alice

  8. Strawberry Curls on January 4, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    Well, it appears I didn’t need to master it, they just appear when you type them. **dah, Alice**

  9. Chris on January 5, 2009 at 7:21 am

    …And a belated Happy New Year from a chilly but sunny Scotland! I hope everyone had a relaxing and peaceful festive season (or noisy and busy if that is preferred, of course!).

    Four months until The Language of Bees arrives – can you tell I’m keen? Still hoping for a beautiful UK edition, to continue the trend of the previous UK publishers, but have the Bantam edition on order…


  10. tangential1 on January 5, 2009 at 11:29 am

    I love that motto! And I have to agree it is as appropriate now as it was then.

    And for a bit of a laugh, the disaffected American youth version of the poster:


  11. Meredith T on January 7, 2009 at 2:11 am

    Love it. and ** Tony Broadbent ** Only firmly gripping thoughts of our respective wonderful spouses can keep me from rawther inappropriate behavior. He is so totally cool, not to mention funny, witty and delightful. Folk, if you have not found these books, go after them. And Russell meeting Jethro (who has not been visible nearly enough lately) that’s something to contemplate, woohoo.//Meredith

  12. Carlina on January 8, 2009 at 1:10 am

    Love it! A very Happy New Year to you and your family as well. I’ve been out of the country so apologies on my late response! Very happy returns for the day to Russell and Holmes as well! Warm wishes and good tidings for the new year!

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