Fifteen Weeks Wrap-up

Congratulations to Mary Turner, the winner of last week’s drawing from those who donated any amount to Heifer International through the Team LRK page. Mary won copies of the two brand new trade paperback editions of Mary Russell novels numbers 5 and 6 from Bantam Books as well as an ARC of The Language of Bees. Congrats to Mary, and remember, there’s still a few days left to make your $60 donation and get entered for your chance to name a character in the next Mary Russell book! (Details below.)


The Fifteen Weeks may be over (really?!) but I’m still on the road–if you live within striking distance of Detroit, Cincinnati, or San Francisco, join me in blowing the trumpet for The Language of Bees.

For those of you in the corners of the country not touched by the tour, you can spot LRK as a cover girl—for Mystery Scene magazine.

And at the San Francisco event, this Thursday at the SF Public Library, I’ll be asking friend and Sherlockian Les Klinger (he’s a lawyer—and therefore sea-green incorruptible, no?) to do the drawings for the grand prizes of our Fifteen Weeks.

First we’ll pick a winner for the beautiful Lavendier Press broadside, from those who have sent me their receipts from an Independent bookseller. (Note: I need to receive those by the evening of May 20, whether by email or in my PO box.)

Then, Les will draw the name of someone who donated a pair of beehives (that is, $60 or more) to Heifer through the Team LRK page, to name a character in the next Russell and Holmes novel. If you haven’t donated anything to this great cause, please think about doing so. I am thrilled at how many of you have sent a donation, and I also look forward to turning over the money raised through the Amazon and CafePress stores that night.

(Please note—we’ll do the drawings that night, but we won’t announce them until the following morning, to make sure the names we get are correct in all the particulars, and not my sister or something…)

All the details—where to send your receipt, how to donate—are here for the broadside and here for Heifer.


  1. TheMadLibrarian on May 18, 2009 at 10:10 am

    Thank you for the whirlwind tour — I continue to look forward to new installments!

  2. strawberry curls on May 18, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    And what an amazing 15 weeks it has been!! My hat’s off to the team that put together each week’s contests and everyone who help with them. Something this big took a great deal of planning and supervision.

    Now what are we going to do until GMAN next year??? **ducking and running**


  3. Sara on May 18, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    Just got back from the Ann Arbor tour stop at Nicola’s- SO FUN!!!! Thanks for taking the time to NOT fly over the ‘fly-over states’ and chat with us. VERY cool. It must be draining to tour like this, but it is such a generous effort on your part to connect with us. And we appreciate it.

    Congratulations on a successful 15 weeks. I can’t wait to find out the grand total for Heifer!


  4. R. Ross on May 18, 2009 at 9:22 pm

    Any news on the audio verison of The Language of Bees rel. date?
    thanks Robert

  5. strawberry curls on May 19, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    “Any news on the audio version of The Language of Bees rel. date?
    thanks Robert” has the down-loadable version today. I now have it on my Ipod. Recorded Books is still listing May 25th for the release date for the CD and Cassette versions.


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