Thursday thoughts

Congratulations to Lori D. in Redwood City and Bruce C. of Stratham New Hampshire, in the sun and in the snow, who won copies of “A Venomous Death” for their brilliant jobs in, well, joining into the Twenty Weeks of Buzz fun—Lori read her newsletter and Bruce is on Goodreads. Enjoy the Further Adventures of Russell and Holmes, Lori and Bruce!


And just to let you know, the new broadside, “Birth of a Green Man,” is going to look amazing. Spine-tingling, eye-popping amazing. Details probably next week.


If you’re in San Francisco this weekend, join us for SciFi in SF, when Jedidiah Berry and I will talk about our books, and our writing, and our city.


Finally, if I may blow my own horn, just a tootle?  Booklist is one of my favorite reviewers, not just because they usually give me a positive review, but because it’s connected with the American Library Association.  It’s therefore a great pleasure to have them lodge the first (starred) word for The God of the Hive:

Using short chapters and wielding her virtual pen like a burnished sword, King allows readers to race through this gloriously complex second half of last year’s Language of Bees. Sherlock Holmes is trying to get his gravely wounded son, the artist Damien Adler, out of England. Holmes’ wife, Mary Russell, is trying to protect Estelle, Damien’s small daughter. Mycroft Holmes, recovering from a heart attack, suddenly goes missing. The madman responsible for Damien’s injury was once married to Damien’s recently murdered Chinese wife. A woodland character who could be the Green Man has a shell-shocked Great War past. The attacks on the Holmes family are specific, devious, cunning, and widespread. How Mary, Holmes, and Mycroft solve this conundrum—usually while separated from one another—is delineated in resplendent prose. The nascent and rocky development of air travel and international telephone lines; the effect of a winsome and intelligent child on perhaps overintellectual adults; descriptions of locales and places via scent, texture, and color—all of it makes for utterly absorbing reading. The end is both puzzling and uplifting. Things may not be quite what they seem. A few ends are left dangling: one can only imagine purposefully. Devoted King fans will probably reread both The Language of Bees and The God of the Hive and wonder about Holmes’ bees and what might come next.


  1. Merrily on February 11, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    Booklist only says what the rest of us already know, and indeed They Speak True. This Devoted King Fan will resume waiting (metaphorically) at the Bookshop door for GOTH to be available!
    I might add that, thanks to the foul weather in this part of the United States, never has April seemed so far away….

  2. jtb1951 on February 11, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Looking forward to seeing “Birth of a Green Man”!

  3. ella144 on February 11, 2010 at 1:46 pm

    What a wonderful review! It’s a terrible tease though, because now I really, really want to read this book. (Not that I didn’t before, but . . . ) How many more weeks until April?

  4. Strawberry Curls on February 11, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    ella144 — The magic countdown clock on the Virtual Book Club homepage says there are 74 days till the release of GOTH. Not that I’m counting or anything.

    Congrats to this week’s winner.


  5. RussellHolmes on February 13, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    I can’t wait to read GOTH Laurie!

  6. Lenore on February 14, 2010 at 11:51 am

    My local library has pre-ordered the hardback, but says nothing about the audio version. Will it be coming out near the publication date of the hardback?

  7. jedediah on February 16, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    Laurie, such a pleasure meeting you in San Francisco!

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