A Case in Correspondence: Week Eleven

What’s this I see? Mary Russell has a new post over on her MySpace page? Episodes of “A Case in Correspondence” will appear there Wednesdays throughout our Twenty Weeks of Buzz, and on Fridays you can find them here at Mutterings.

What on earth are the world’s greatest detective and her husband, Sherlock Holmes, up to now?

Also — make sure to visit the Illuminated MyStory page this week as we add the first gorgeously decorated entries! Perhaps you’ll feel inspired to send in your own…


  1. Anna Elliott on March 10, 2010 at 3:31 pm

    Oh, dear! I don’t think Mary is going to take kindly to being addressed as “Mrs. Holmes”!

  2. Sara on March 10, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    Ok, 1) Snarky does not even BEGIN to describe the most recent correspondence. Yikes.

    2) How did she do the entry with the images? I am confused. Help. Those look way bigger than the ones that printed on my pages. Confused.

  3. VIcki VanValkenburgh on March 11, 2010 at 8:45 am

    I am SO wanting to get copies of the Times from that week. Maybe google can find an archive?

    Hey Sara! *Waves* Which images are you talking about?

  4. Sara on March 11, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    Um. Rori’s? When I printed the My Story, it was 4 pages of story on 1 8.5″ x 11″ page. I’m confused if it has to stay that way in order to submit it. I drew the margins with it in that size, and I’m wondering if it is going to be harder to display online if it’s in that 4-panel structure….does that make any sense? Z emailed me too….if you’re in on that loop.

  5. Laurie King on March 11, 2010 at 1:57 pm

    Rori redid the pages in order to make them single sheets rather than a foldable booklet, since she wanted to make a more elborate design than the 4-to-a-page layout permitted. We had to reformat her submission in order to post it, but if that’s what makes the artist happy, then so be it. If someone wants to embroider all the words on linen in order to illuminate them, we’ll figure a way of posting those as well–far be it from me to thwart the artistic impulses of my readers!

  6. Sara on March 11, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    Thank you for the clarification. All hail the LRK techno-folks for being able to format things we submit!

    Now I want to go back and start all over again with a Russell-version of the Bayeux tapestry…. There is SO not enough time to embroider…where was that idea 11 weeks ago? That is my kind of insanity/repetitive handwork/medium. *Sigh.*

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