Laurie in Lisboa

As you may know, I’m currently in Lisbon working hard on the next Russell and Holmes novel—although I’ll be flitting northwards in the time zone this afternoon, to join the intrepid duo for a party in their Sussex cottage, where I hope you’ll join us: the party is set up on (All Tweets should include the tag #hivegod)

In the meantime, this is where Ms Russell will travel.  (Click on the photos to enlarge.) Here:

And here, beneath the Hand of God:

And in downtown Lisboa:

And in the ancient tumble of the Jewish Quarter, the only part of town that didn’t disappear in the 1755 earthquake:

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  1. strawberry curls on March 28, 2010 at 11:32 am

    Great pictures!! Sad that there is graffiti on the wall of the old Jewish Quarter, but then when they uncovered Pompeii, there was graffiti on those walls too. Some things never change.


  2. Merrily Taylor on March 28, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    As I recall, that Lisbon earthquake occurred on a Sunday, collapsed a lot of churches, and shook the faith of people like Voltaire. It killed thousands of people. A terrible tragedy, not unlike the one in Haiti, sadly.
    Amazing pictures – what a beautiful city!
    And on a more cheerful note, great Twitter party today at the home of Mr. Holmes and Miss Russell!

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