Five day countdown: PaiKu winner and…gigaflops?
We have a PaiKu Winner! Well, we have a whole lot of winners, since I thought all the poems were a hoot.
Thanks to everyone who sent in their pirate haiku (and thanks, too, all of you who voted and saved me from having to judge!) All four of our top winners get a Pirate King movie poster, and the winner also receives a signed hardback of the book. Our runners—no, that should be rummers-up, and our official 2011 Cap’n PaiKu are:
Rummer up 3/Third Mate B.G. Ritts:
Sea, swells, rocking ship
sing a lullaby that calms
lawless buccaneers.
Rummer up 2/Second Mate Carey Bligard:
Grappling hooks applied
Haiku pirates up the side
End one rung short…Arrrrggghh.
Rummer up 1/First Mate Melissa West:
Damn parrot’s heavy
And prattles such nonsense. Oh!
For a cat instead.
And a big Arrrgh! for our winner, Captain PaiKu Jeannie Patton:
Peg leg is a pain
Reeling around deck in storm
Would kill for two feet.
Congratulations, all!
But now it’s time for the Major-General’s song of the day. Yesterday’s was a Google ditty, today’s is from…Apple? Really?
With many billion gigaflops and algorithmic mastery.
With many billion gigaflops and algorithmic mastery.
With many billion gigaflops and algorithmic mastery:
Does it help to know that Pirate King was written on a Mac? If so, you can order a signed copy, here.
Congratulations to all the winners. All the PaiKu submissions were great fun to read.